Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Why is the natural label so important?

So I was sitting thinking about this question, I had gone to one of my favorite natural food stores and realized how different the food and products look compared to the grocery store. Then I thought why is that label so important? Well it's important because we have realized in this world there are so many companies out there that have created a world of pollution without a care of the future and our children's future. 

That label shows you that this company cares about our environment and that is so crucial to us being healthy and able to see our children into a new world. China has become a huge bubble essentially from all of their pollution is that really what we want? To live under domes and never see the light of day? Only artificial light and air purifiers to keep  us alive, yea no thanks, don't think that's for me....

SO I look at my labels and I buy organic and natural products ass much as i can because it is supporting our grassroot companies, the people who care about our planet and what it is becoming. 
Even here at 5280  we are very much a natural product company with natural ingredients that keep our customers happy and coming back for a great alternative to the nasty synthetic stuff we have been using on our skin for longer then we should have. 

I really don't want to be a ginny pig anymore and would prefer to know what I am using on my body and what is soaking into my pores and bloodstream enough of the chlorine and what not to clean our water is enough for me. 

Next time your in the store think about it and look at your labels look for those organic and natural products give yourself the benefit of the doubt and do something better for yourself.

Look at the natural label and see why it is important for yourself, there are so many reasons to look at it and think differently but give yourself the benefit of natural. 

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